Friday, 22 October 2010

Garlic Bread on camp

Cooking Teddybear
18 Oct 2010

yes well - I haven't been much out lately - after all we DID have a major earthquake in this beautiful City of ours - Christchurch on 4th September 2010 that made it necessary to re-prioritize ones life.

Then it was all steam ahead for our Jamboree on the Internet  and this year we added the Ham guys (radio) [JOTI / JOTA].
One of the camp staff recently discovered a bread making machine and prior to camp  there were various comments going forth and back (on Facebook no less) about stinky socks and counter smells . . . . .   ^^ 

Anyhow to cut a long story short a suitably baked garlic bread was duly baked and presented to this old bear.  I will have to say that the presentation was one of a kind - and I am positive I will never ever again experience this kind of presentation again - ever!!
Note the reverend kneeling position ^^

Without further ado - here is a pic' and urm below - well lets give it a total 18
Well done Su -
Is there any-more . . . . .