Showing posts with label garlic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garlic. Show all posts

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Garlic Bread from Fat Sally’s Pub & Restaurant in Oamaru

Cooking Teddybear

 Fat Sally’s Pub & Restaurant

84 Thames St
New Zealand

Phone: 03 434 8368


Oh -  this turned out to be almost 100% perfect!  Easy to eat - leaving you wishing for one more bite! Lots of flavour / colour herbs etc! Crusty on the outside / nice soft on the inside! Nice arrangement!

Porcelain Platter - serviette on the side (not underneath as some do) - arriving hot but not too hot and in good time!

The ONLY markdown  - the platter had a tiny little chip at the side - which we only noticed, once we had eaten most of it!! Apart from that - yup - almost perfect!!

Presentation 4.9 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5

Overall score: 19.9 (out of poss 20)

Monday, 31 August 2020

Garlic bread from the Hurunui Hotel

Cooking Teddybear  

Hurunui Hotel

1224 Karaka Road, 

State Highway 7, 

Hurunui 7385

Phone: 03-314 2207

It is described as:  The Hurunui Hotel has been serving the community for over 150 years. Built in 1868 it has the longest continuous alcohol license in New Zealand. Located on State Highway 7, it is the perfect place to stop and rest on your journey. Cold beer, wine from our own winery, amazing food and the best coffee around!'


 It certainly has seen some changes in its time - some emforced from the earthquakes.  It has a new owner/manager - so we were keen on trying them out for a stay and meal!  

We ordered the garlic bread and it came in good time.  The artistic arangment did not suffer in transit!  As you can see - it is/was a ciabatta bread sliced and liberally sprinkled with herbs. It could have had a teeny weeny bit more garlic flavour.  As there was three of us we had 2 slices each wich was plenty - perhaps one to many for just two people?!

Crusty crust and soft fleshy inards - just the way we like it.  The condiments - needed a explanation - although we had fun guessing them - the far right defintly had honey in it, while the far left was - we think - a garlic infused oil?! The middle is your standard pesto!  Nice additions.

Sadly the timber detracted - especially as we found later that the served hamburgers came on the same platter/timber type (one thing fits all?!) , and as many previous eaters had used knife's to cut their bits of meat etc . . - there were some deep grooves . . . Pity - if this had been on a white porcelan type plate it would have rated very highly indeed.  

Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5

Overall score: 15 (out of poss 20)

Monday, 29 June 2020

Garlic bread from the 65 and Dine Gastropub in Twizel

Cooking Teddybear

65 and Dine Gastropub Smokehouse

13 Tasman Road,
Twizel 7901

Phone: 03-435 0832


We braved the rain and cold and treated us to a weekend away with our campervan, in Twizel - and naturally we had to sample some of the local cuisine!!  We decided to give the Gastropub a whirl (it looked new???) and promptly ordered the Garlic Loaf as starters (along with the *secret* recipe Garlic Butter!!!)

It promptly arrived and was still warm to the touch.  It is the first time ever in all the years, that we have seen it wrapped in baking paper - especially printed!!

Unwrapping it, you could just smell the *garlic* aroma!  It was cut into thick slices all the way to the bottom - with the steak knife provided for cutting through the very last 2 or 3 mm of crust.  Lots of flavour!! We did miss the sprinkling of green herbs!  The timber plate looked new-ish so not many cut grooves in it yet - they will come though!! Regular readers will know how I feel about these!
It is sold as "a loaf for 2" - and while I am still a moderate big eater - we decided to leave at least one slice behind so as to leave room for our mains - let alone dessert!  :)  I have yet to find a *loaf* small enough to be just right as starters!! 

A big cudos to Rachel in particular who was our waitress and also for the other staff present! It is refreshing to hear the question asked "HOW is your meal?" - an open question - yusssss!! So often we get asked ''Is everything ok?'' - closed question - and the short answer is yes, now go away!!  Ha, I recall the time I said no and the waiter promptly walked away without even asking why not - guess he was not really intrestred in the answer at all!!!

Hmmm how to rate this - ok lets see . . . .

Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 3.5 out of 5
Taste: 4.5 out of 5
Quality 4.5 out of 5
Overall score: 16.5 (out of poss 20)

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Garlic bread from Fire and Ice Cafe in Hanmer

Cooking Teddybear
Fire and Ice
Cafe - Restaurant - Bar

37 Amuri Avenue,
Hanmer Springs 7334

Phone: 03 315 5006

There is not a lot to say about this.
One word would summ it up - -  Perfect!!

The arrangment suffered during transportation - for sure - and the bowl on the side contained a lovely cheese sauce/dip.  Lots of flavour / color - no wooden platter or napkin underneath . . .

A first

(Must check and see if this is the highest ever score so far . . . )

Presentation 4.9 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 19.9 (out of poss 20)

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Garlic Bread in Armadillos Restaurant Belfast

Cooking Teddybear

 Armadillos Belfast

812 Main North Road
Belfast 8050

Ph 03 323 6126


A new place to eat out in town - and it was our wedding anniversary - so we decided to Armadillos.
It is so new - the website has hardly caught up with it (had to dig for the actual place on the ''master'' site), and is one of many other eateries dotted around the South Island!!

The garlic bread was listed on the menau as:

Garlic Bread
Freshly baked ciabattas loaf smothered in our home made garlic butter

I was not sure how BIG the loaf would be - having had almost some baskeball sized offerings previously.  The size ended up just a fraction to large for two - or right if you were ravenous!!!
It came on a wooden board that was old and well-used - so much so, it made me wonder if this is an old hand-me down!?!?! Not what you would expect from a brand new place!!  We give it a single point as SOME effort was made re presentation. 
As you can see - it is a loaf and was still hot from the oven.  The Steak knife was needed to cut (it was cut and buttered almost all the way to the bottom) through the crust at the bottom - a feat just managed with my hands.  Try cutting a hot loaf with bare hands!!
The crumbs visible at the side turned out to be some sort of rock salt, which we left alone!!
It did have lots of flavour - as I like to say - one you can see!! Lots of freshly cut garlic in it!  

As an aside - closer inspection of the steak knife revealed that it has regularly been washed in a dish-washer.  A big No-no as the timber is suffering and eventually will fail to hold the blade in place.  They ought to be hand washed in clear luke warm water and if at all possible slighty re-oiled to preserve the timber!  This knife clearly showed a loosning of the blade from its tang-hold and will fail soon and thus need replacing - an expense coming  up . . . . . .

Presentation 1 out of 5
 Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 2 out of 5
Overall score: 10 (out of poss 20)

Saturday, 8 February 2020

Garlic Bread from the Seabreeze Cafe & Bar in Picton

Cooking Teddybear

Seabreeze Cafe &Bar

24 London Quay,
Picton 7220

Tel: 03-573 6136

A outdoor Lunch beckoned - The weather was superb and the al fresco dining was very tempting!  Bonus was the Garlic Bread on the menu
It was advertised as:

Garlic bread (GF option) / 9.50
French stick with fresh garlic butter

Tempting so we placed our orders and waited - not for to long - it arrived in good time! 3 large-is pieces - artistically displayed and NO napkin underneath the Bread - a bonus!  For the first time (from memory) there is a side salad greens on offer - a new trend me thinks!! 

The bread itself was crispy on the outside and still warm to the touch.  You could see the fresh cut Cloves liberally displayed - urm - applied to the bread. Yummy taste and easy to eat!
1.5 slices for each of us - just right

PictureJust for fun I looked up the website and saw this on it - not what we got - still . . . .

Presentation 3 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 17 (out of poss 20)

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Garlic Bread from Donegal House in Kaikoura

Cooking Teddybear

Donegal House

Schoolhouse Road
New Zealand

Tel: +64 3 319 5083

I did wonder if they would! Donegal House is your typical Irish Pub - along with a Motel Unit and some campground! Everything in there is Irish! And it is a busy place!

We did order the Garlic Bread which arrived in good time.  The long baguette had 7 cuts and then made into 2 halves!  There was lots of garlic flavor and a good sprinkling of the obligatory herb!!! It was hot enough and semi crusty on the outside and soft buttery on the inside!  Cudos for adding lots of Garlic butter.
I sent a pic of this to my friend who said no points for presentation! I could live with the wicker basket (as it will not get cut) but the GREEN napkin was definitely some points of!

Presentation 2 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 16 (out of poss 20)

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Garlic bread from Cafe Phoenix Hof in Vienna

Cooking Teddybear

Cafe Phoenix Hof
Neustiftgasse 55,
1070 Wien,

Tel 0043 (0) 699 1733 1072

It would proof to be our last sampling of Garlic bread while on tour around Europe and - it proved to be a bit fortuitous!  Upon arriving we were told that due to a cut in the gas line - they could only serve food that could be baked - or cold (salads).   Luckily the Garlic bread is oven baked so that was ok.  Although I am not so sure - as you can see the "tan" lines of a grill on the bread.  It came and was still warm to the touch - however we think the garlic was spread on after it has been warmed and not baked/cooked at all - it certainly was a 'fresh' taste (and re-tasting it at 4am). On the upside it was a crispy crusty outside and soft-ish on the fleshy inside part!!  Kudos yet again (must be a European thing) for the plate and no napkin (which always comes separate) presentation.
As the bread was small and was supposed to be for 2 people, we found a bit wanting, and could have had at least one more slice.

Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 16 (out of poss 20)

Monday, 26 August 2019

Garlic bread from 'Zum Janni' in Treuchtlingen / Germany

Cooking Teddybear
Restaurant Stadthalle
Jahnstrasse 14
91757 Treuchtlingen

Tel (D) 0914201700 

Zum Janni


We decided to broaden our horizon and see if our European kinsfolk were as passionate about Garlic bread as this Kiwi is!

Seems it is more or less - probably less so then the same.  We found only a few places that actually served Garlic bread as appetizers.  In Treuchtlingen we found this delightful place, run by the Greek Family 'Avgoustis'.  There were certainly a good number of traditional  Greek meals on offer - along with more middle European offerings as well.

To the Bread itself then - as you can see from the image it was done on a grill rather then in an oven - or shock even a microwave herd!! It did arrive about 3 minutes after the main meal was served - we put that down to a busy staff . . . .

It was just warm and easy on the touch.  Kudos for the plate and no napkin!!! Certainly more of a decorative touch there.  4 slices of traditional baguette cut across and liberally sprinkled with Garlic and butter and some herbs.  The Zaziki was a nice touch - but overpowered the garlic flavor of the bread.  Hard to gauge on quantity as we ended up eating it alongside our main meal (pizza) 

Presentation 5 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 16 (out of poss 20)

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Garlic Bread from Reflections Cafe in Tekapo

Cooking Teddybear

Reflections Cafe in Tekapo

Reflections Café and Restaurant
SH 8 Lake Tekapo 7987

Tel +64 3 680 6234



This would be our 5th or 6th time we have eaten a meal there - seems we like the area and the cafe / restaurant too well!  Looking back at the other times we had been there - this effort has not changed for the last 3 years or so - but it is a change from 2012 - with the original bread longer and on a skinnier plate. 
Anyhow, the bread duly arrived in good time and - was hot to touch. Having learned from my last garlic bread (urm Cromwell I think) experience I grabbed the napkin (ok - so THAT's the reason they supply them????)  and tried to cut the bread - only to fail.  As you can see it was pre-cut and all you had to do was cut the 2 or 4 mm at the base.  Easier said then done steak knife not-withstanding - it was crusty beyond belief!!

 So I ended up taking the bread and turn it 90 degrees and then sliced downward (like a timber merchant) and that worked better.  Debating this with my companion we came to the conclusion it must have been sitting in a fry-pan or girdle and was 'fried' to create such a crust!

There was a good garlic flavor you could taste (and see) - sadly the touch of green herbs was missing.  Crusty on the outside (top AND bottom as previously mentioned), yet soft-fleshy on the inside.  We were not ravenous so probably one slice to many.

Presentation 3.5 out of 5
Quantity 3.5 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 3 out of 5
Overall score: 14 (out of poss 20)

Monday, 27 May 2019

Garlic bread from 5 Stags Bar in Cromwell

Cooking Teddybear
Harvest Hotel
Five Stags Bar & Restaurant
6 Barry Ave,

NZ Freephone: 0800 104 451
Phone: + 64 3 445 1777

First of all - apologies for the  quality of the picture - it is from an older phone of mine which I had to gang-press back into action after the screen of my current phone died and is awaiting repairs!!

The Five Stags Bar and Restaurant are part of a wider Hotel Complex with 2 other food places competing for your $$! That said - we have been to the 5 Stags in Hanmer and figured we would get roughly the same quality and type of meals.  This serving was advertised as :
Garlic and Herb Breads
Our house made garlic breads served with aioli 

Interestingly enough it is indeed  'housemade' as opposed to bought bread - thus clearly it is a Vienna type loaf cut into slices.  The Aioli was plain and very much unlike the one from Hanmer which had a tiny bit of Jalapeno crushed through it (and giving a hint of spice).
It arrived in good time and was still warm to hot to touch. A plus was that it was buttered on both sides.
We had ordered 2 helpings to be divided between 5 people and even then we struggled between all of us to eat all of it. For a couple of folks it would have been 2.5 slices and probably to much as an entree.  The sprinkling of green herbs made it nice and the Garlic flavor was just there - could have been a tiny bit more for my likening!
The presentation suffered from the usual bread board (where you could see the grooves from previous cuts) and the obligatory paper napkin underneath!

Presentation 2 out of 5
Quantity 2 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 3 out of 5
Overall score: 11 (out of poss 20)

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Garlic Bread from the Village Inn

Cooking Teddybear

The Village Inn Complex

41 Talbot St

Tel: 03 693 1004

The sign outside had Montheith"s so we figured we would be in good hands. 
The bread came in good time and was hot to touch - fresh from the oven.  Sadly it was buttered just on the upside. The greenery is a nice touch and had good flavor. For my liking it could have had a bit more 'garlic' flavor!  3 pieces each was just right - especially as they were small sized. 
The down side was the wicker basket along with the paper napkin.

Presentation 2 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 2 out of 5
Quality 2 out of 5
Overall score: 9 (out of poss 20)

Monday, 14 January 2019

Garlic Bread from The Railway Hotel in Richmond

Cooking Teddybear

The Railway Hotel
(Formerly known as Bar321)
321 Lower Queen Street
Richmond / Nelson

Tel:  03 5447289

Formally the Railway Hotel in Richmond - with the train rails going directly past the hotel.  Neither are visible today and everything has changed.  Not sure even if this is the "original" site to it.

The Bar itself had a change too - it used to be known as Bar321.  I have never included a street shot of the location - in this case I am making an exception. We did say that if the menu did not appeal we could always go and have the American diet next door!!

The place looked comfortable enough and we decided to stay.  Turns out the new Chef is from the former Huruni Bar/Hotel in Canterbury - a place we have stopped a few times and always had good meals.  All good then.

The garlic bread itself arrived in good time.  A bit soft on the outside and needed to be cut at the bottom.  Big wraps for serving it on a plate and without the napkin underneath.  It ended up a bit salty - you can just spot the salt on the plate.  The inside was soft / liberally flavored and had one or two herbs with it.  There was more then enough for the two of us - and we had to pace ourselves in order not to get to full before the main-meal arrived.

Presentation 5 out of 5
Quantity 2 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 16 (out of poss 20)

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Garlic Bread from the Moeraki Tavern

Cooking Teddybear
 Moeraki Tavern
144 Haven St,
Moeraki 9482

Phone: 03-439 4705

 The link above will take you back to our previous time we were there.  This time it was far less crowded so wee able to take a seat.  It gave us the opportunity and compare notes as well as do a proper assessment. 
The garlic bread itself has not changed from last time - so that was a nice surprise.  Even better was the presentation - nice clean (and warm) platter.  The only tiny bit distracting was the the placed napkin.
The taste was excellent - lots of flavor and the sprinkling of herbs helped! The "fleshy" and "crusty" bit were in perfect harmony.  Do not let the image fool you - the pieces were large enough and we  ended up with 1.5 bits each (cutting the third slice in half). It ended up with just the right amount - not to much or less!
The napkin underneath will give you an idea on size.
Overall we rate this very highly and give top marks.

Presentation 4.8 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 4.8 out of 5
Overall score: 19.6 (out of poss 20)

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Garlic Bread from Cobb & Co in Dunedin

Cooking Teddybear
Cobb & Co

20F Anzac Ave,
Dunedin, 9016
(inside the Railway station)

Phone: 03-929 1073

The history of Cobb & Co is in itself interesting enough .  See below.  The setting (inside the famous Dunedin Railway Station ) is an inspired choice.  And as with all 'chain' restaurants you know what you are likely going to get . . .  And the Cobb & Co chain is making a comeback of sorts .  . .

Now to the Garlic bread itself.  It proofed to be a major disappointment.  Firstly given the "fancy" plates the rest of the food came on - I cannot understand why folks insist on a wooden platter - especially one who has seen better days.  Deep cuts in the timber suggest a many things - not all that healthy. 
 There was (clearly) just one slice of bread for me and my wife - leaving us wanting.  Not sure why we got supplied with an extra knife!? The bread itself was luke-warm and showed no sign of fresh cut garlic - which always leaves you open to the suspicion of a  (olivanis?)  Garlic-oil being sprayed on and used.  Sadly as a former baker by trade - I recognize that the bread is not exactly freshly baked either. . .

The arrangement shall we say is plain and basic and could be improved on (again - given the rest of the food that came with a artistic-more-plate-then-food arrangement why not make more effort here???)  The only redeeming feature was the conspicuous absence of the usual paper napkin (often under neath the bread)!

We give it a total of 6.5 out of 20 points.

(from their Website - copied and pasted  here . . . . ) 


So you wanna know how it all got started?

How the guest was won?

Mate, life in New Zealand was tough in 1861,
it wasn't easy and breaking in the land was not much fun!

In the 1860's luxuries were few, there wasn't any electricity and hardly any frills,
in fact there wasn't much of anything but there was gold in them, thar hills...

News of this fabulous find, around the world began to gush
Sparked off the start of what became known as the Otago gold rush.

Before you knew it, we were all the rage...
and over-run with shiploads of pioneers of doubtful parentage!

The immigrant gold-diggers needed stage-coaches to get around
so Freeman Cobb said "of course we can..." and that's the way the uniquely kiwi Cobb & Co. story was found!

Everything was sweet for over 60 years until trains and the new fangled motorcar became all the go. In the early 1920's the wheels started to wobble and in 1924, they really came off, to lots of woe.

Sadly at this time, Cobb & Co.'s last stagecoach disappeared into the sunset for the final time.
But it was not the end, for the company is again ready to shine.
Today Cobb & Co. is New Zealand's oldest and original Restaurant chain and continues to serve
in the fond memory of Freeman Cobb with a dash of humour and verve.

Welcome back to Cobb & Co., where your friends and family will enjoy our all time favourite food,  where you can kick back and chilax, just like coming home.

And that my friends, is how the guest was won.

PS --  check out the Garlic bread from Cobb & Co from June 2012   :)
Cobb-co New Plymouth

Now for the ratings:

Presentation 1 out of 5
Quantity 1 out of 5
Taste: 2.5 out of 5
Quality 2 out of 5
Overall score: 6.5 (out of poss 20)

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Garlic Bread from Trevinos in Christchurch

Cooking Teddybear 

Trevinos Restaurant
Cnr Riccarton Road & Mona Vale Avenue,
New Zealand

Phone: 03 343 5378
Fax: 03 343 6356

It was described on the menu as :

Homemade garlic butter $10.00

 Have to say - There is one word only for it:    P E R F E C T ! !
A first!!!!

 If you want to be really picky - you could criticize it for not being a traditional baguette.  It did however match the description on the menu - so  full marks!!

Presentation 5 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 20 (out of poss 20)

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Garlic Bread from The Trout Cafe in Wanaka

Cooking Teddybear

The Trout Cafe
151 Ardmore Street
Wanaka, 9305

Ph: (03) 443 2600


Garlic Loaf - $10
Tasty oven baked garlic loaf.

 I did ask how big the loaf was, and got a semi useful answer - but was still not much the wiser.  In the end it was always a given we would order one - if nothing else for this blog.
This loaf was six individual (flavor topped) small buns, obviously baked in a bread tin.
The garlic bread itself came pre-cut (along the "seams") and had the melted garlic butter inside aplenty.
All you had to do was to cut through the crusty bottom - a feat you could do easily - although if truth is told - one could easily just have wrenched the individual bits loose.  Better to do it with the supplied knife and do it in style.

Lots of flavor - plenty to eat - almost to much - warm enough to enjoy it.  It's only major distraction being served on a wooden platter (and its ONLY saving grace there being the nice wood-grain perhaps walnut?)

Presentation 3 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 17 (out of poss 20)

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Garlic Bread from Montheiths Bar in Alexandra

Cooking Teddybear

Montheiths Bar in Alexandra
26 Centennial Avenue, Alexandra 9320

Ph: 03-448-9189

This ought to have been interesting - always like going to franchises and and see how much 'license' they have with their menu.  Turns out quite a bit - in fact, often it depends on the local chef.  So this was indeed interesting!
The Garlic bread arrived in good time.  It was sold on the menu as :

Warm Ciabatta Loaf
Served with garlic butter

As you can see it was on a platter and nicely arranged.  So far so good.  Upon touching it several things became clear quite quickly.  The 'warm' bit was a gross understatement.  It was hot to the touch - which - of course - made the cutting a bit tricky if not difficult.  Now I do like Ciabatta bread as a general rule. It does have a light springy texture - which in this case worked to its advantage for as you held the loaf (2 seconds at a time) and tried to cut into it - even the serrated sharp knife 'squashed' the loaf until you got the bottom , then cut through the base and presto it sprang back into its desired shape.  I am a pastry chef by trade - so I do have more of a 'heat-tolerance"  on the skin of my hands then most people have - have to admit - 2 seconds was the  most I could hold it.  Probably should have used the supplied napkin to shield myself from the 'warm' loaf.  The disappointing part was that the bread itself on the inside was luke-warm at best and given that the supplied piped butter came almost straight from the fridge and needed to be cut rather then could be smeared . . . . .
Because the fleshy part of the bread was luke-warm at best and the butter almost stone cold not much melting was done - thus when you ate the bread you bit into bits of butter - not overly pleasant.  

The next surprise was that this was not a timber bread board that it came with - rather some form of stone and that in-itself was still warm.  Presume it is the same plate that would be used for ' cooking - on - the - stone - plates ' of various steaks etc.  I did notice several 'grooves' in it presumably from the steaks being cut. At least the heat would have killed any left-behind bugs!

For my taste the garlic butter could have done with more garlic flavor. 
There was enough for 2 people with the loaf being cut into 4 slices easily (once you got past the 'hot' part) and did not leave you with the 'I want more' feeling.

I am aware there is a growing trend and ongoing discussion about "De-constructed" meals / coffee's.  I am of the personal opinion that if I am parting with my hard earned cash and pay someone to cook for me - then it should be just that - cooked.  It is not that you get 'cheaper' prices for a half constructed meal/drink.  I guess my expectation differed from the honest written menu.  Remember - it was written as "Warm Ciabatta Loaf served with garlic butter" and it was literally just that - apart from the warm part . I will have either to revise my expectations or ask some more questions before ordering the next time we eat out again.

Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 1 out of 5
Quality 1 out of 5
Overall score: 10 (out of poss 20)

Friday, 17 November 2017

Garlic Bread from The Tin Plate in Tekapo

Cooking Teddybear

Tin Plate Kitchen & Bar Restaurant

Lake Tekapo 7999
Main Street
Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

Phone: 03-680 6677

Website: facebook -- > Tin-Plate-Kitchen-Bar

We decided to re-visit this place as they do very good pizza's and other meals at reasonably rates.  This time the decor had not changed and the staff were still a veritable UN representation.  Slightly apprehensively we ordered the Garlic Bread (this time from the printed menu!!) and received a pleasant surprise.  (Maybe they read my previous blog???)   As you can see it is an actual loaf of bread - or rather half of a loaf.  It had plenty of garlic-butter piped into the cuts and also contained a sprinkling of green herbs (Parsley).  The two pestos were a nice added touch.
The bread itself was VERY crusty on the outside and the supplied steak knife struggled to cut through the bottom crust.  It ended up 3 slices each - which is plenty. The bread itself was of a lighter variety (ciabatta type) so not overfilling your tummy prior to your main-meal arriving.
Definitely an improvement from previous offerings.  Now if they would also replace the wooden pizza platter with a solid plate and tweak it a tiny bit, this could well end up being a real winner. . . . . .

Presentation 3 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 4.5 out of 5
Quality 3.5 out of 5
Overall score: 14 (out of poss 20)

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Garlic Bread from MacKenzies Bar and Grill in Tekapo

Cooking Teddybear
MacKenzies Bar and Grill
State Highway 8, 
Lake Tekapo 7999
Phone: 03-680 6886

No known Website or email contact

   As you can see from the above links we have been there before - twice and it is always nice to go back and compare notes - see if there has been an improvement - or not!

   One thing that has always stood out was the use of solid porcelain plates as apposed to wooden platters! So imagine my surprise when a black plate turned up this time.  I used a knife to poke it and yes it is NOT timber - rather some new ceramic like plate.  Nice change.  The bread itself or its make up has not changed in the last 4 or 5 years.  It is still the same cheese topped baguette! Do not let the size of it fool you - the three pieces were rather a large cut (or should that be more thicker?) and more then enough for 2 people.  The arrangement may have suffered during "transit".  Sadly only the topside was "buttered up" and again lacked that distinct garlic flavor.  And like the last time -->  By the time it arrived it was semi lukewarm although cooked just-about right - slightly crunchy on the outside - yet soft on the middle.  I suspect it sat for a minute or two under the heating lamp before it was delivered to our table. 
We felt that the bread itself is pretty much the same as the previous visits, while the plate is a nice change from previous deliveries. 

Presentation 5 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 2 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 14 (out of poss 20)