Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Garlic Bread from Spagalimis

Cooking Teddybear

356 Main North Road
0800 113 113


Yes well - the expectations weren't high on this one.  Take-out Garlic Bread never lives up to the expectations and by the time you drive back home and sit down it usually is lukewarm at the best of times.  Sometimes if you are lucky and get delivery's they put the pizza and garlic bread into those special heat retaining bags and you get a better deal.  So for NZ 3.50 it wasn't too bad, there was flavour just big enough to taste and a good sprinkling of herbs.
As for style - well a paper bag - hmmmm - not much to say there.  Between Mamabear and myself we could have had another half of it again.

Presentation 1 out of 5
Quantity 1 out of 5
Taste: 3 out of 5
Quality 2 out of 5
Overall score: 7 (out of poss 20)