Friday, 21 September 2012

Garlic Bread by Robbies on Normans Rd

Cooking Teddybear
Robbies Elmwood
1 Normans Road
Elmwood, Christchurch

Telephone: 03 355 5345

The garlic bread from Robbies is a loaf in a true sense of the word.  And here came our first surprise - as you can see from the picture it had a small side dish with Garlic butter; - yuss I thought - perfect to add more should you miss that real garlicky flavour - or opt out.  Then the second surprise hit - upon breaking away the first slice of bread we discovered that there is no butter inside the Loaf at all.  You have to butter the loaf yourself.  The bread loaf itself was lukewarm - so not much heat left in there to melt the garlic butter and let it ooze into the fleshy soft part of the bread.  It was also awkward to butter both sides of each slice and in the end there was only just enough to do justice to the loaf.  The garlic butter itself tasted more herbal then of garlic and at one point I did wonder if there was any garlic in there at all.  I certainly could not smell it or discern the flavor when tasting a small portion of pure butter.  Given there was more plate then substance this just didn't do it for me at all. It was a sign of things to come with the side dish of mushroom sauce ordered being a little larger then the a soup spoon (I kid you not) - in fact it is the same size as the garlic butter dish you see in the picture and to be frank was not worth the $3.50 it cost for the mushroom.  All in all it was a rather disappointing experience.

Presentation 2 out of 5
Quantity 2 out of 5
Taste: 0 out of 5
Quality 1 out of 5
Overall score: 5 (out of poss 20)

Monday, 3 September 2012

Garlic Bread from Phoenix Bar

Cooking TeddybearPhoenix Bar & Cafe

15 Main North Road  
Papanui Christchurch  
Canterbury 8053
Telephone (03) 3523257
 No known website

It seems it is a favorite hangout of certain young people so after going to watch the Expendables 2,  we as a family met at the Bar and had a dinner with the obligatory Garlic bread.  The place is a typical suburban Bar and Grill - nothing fancy or flash and this was reflected in the basic and somewhat limited menu choice.  The garlic bread arrived in good time and smelt good.  It was a typical short baguette cut into sections with both sides buttered and oven baked.  The skin was crispy and the inside soft.  The was a  sprinkling of green herbs and there was certainly a  good garlic flavor.  All in all a above average garlic bread.

Presentation 3 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 3 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 13 (out of poss 20)