Monday, 12 August 2013

Garlic Bread from Reflections Café and Restaurant in Tekapo

Cooking Teddybear
Reflections Café and Restaurant

State Highway 8
Lake Tekapo · New Zealand

Phone/Fax: +64 3 680 6234


I must be getting old(er) - we did decide to go to places we had not been before - and then came back here. I ended up looking back to a previous blog entry
( garlic-bread-from-reflections-cafe visit in Jan 2012 )

only to find out that we had indeed been here before!! I was glad that I did - for it proved that my "taste" or critique standard has not changed over time. Back then we rated it highly and were pleasantly surprised this time again!  We liked the fact that there is a special made dish for presentation (which proves the care taken for "delivery" of the food). The bread was slightly crusty on outside and yet yummy and soft on the inside - along with plenty of garlic flavour - but not oily as can often be the case. We will have to agree with a previous visit and rate this as very nearly the perfect bread!

Presentation 5 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 18 (out of poss 20)

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Garlic Bread from Mackenzie's Bar and Grill

Cooking Teddybear
Mackenzie's Bar and Grill  (Montheiths)

State Highway 8
Lake Tekapo
New Zealand

Phone: 03-680 6886

We had been there before and the meals we had been of a good quality - so for a treat we did revisit. Could have sworn that we had garlic bread there as well before - but an extensive search through photos and blog / diary entries later shows that we must have forgone the choice last time. Ah well - new ground and possibly just as well.
The bread itself consisted of 3 pieces on plate.  Buttered just on a single side with garlic - it lacked flavour and was somewhat overshadowed by the fresh - yes fresh green herb (which normally would be a redeeming feature).  It arrived being a tad overdone and was very crusty, with crumbs liberally sprinkling to the plate below when taking a bite. With three slices and two people present we soon found ourselves outdoing ourselves by being polite -  quote "you eat it - honestly - I had enough".

Presentation 3 out of 5
Quantity 2 out of 5
Taste: 2.5 out of 5
Quality 2.5 out of 5
Overall score: 10 (out of poss 20)

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Garlic Bread from Pepes Pizzaa in Tekapo

Cooking Teddybear Pepes Pizza and Pasta Restaurant Bar
Lake Tekapo
Village Mall
State Highway 8
Lake Tekapo
Mackenzie Canterbury 3978

Phone   (03) 6806677

We have been to Tekapo before and decided to give all the eateries there a fair go - so instead of going back to the tried and true, we gave Pepes a whirl.  The bread - surprise surprise was a flat pizza bread (this seems to be a common theme amongst pizza places - figure they have the flat dough already on the go - so why bother with another yet to be baked bit, ergo must be a cost/labour saving thing).
Anyhow this "garlic-bread" in that sense was no different - however as you can see from the picture it was folded back on itself towards the middle and tucked in on the centre which is a departure from the usual presented flat garlic-bread.  It contained a few mushrooms and was liberally sprinkled or should that be stuffed with cheese and some herbs.  From Garlic was little to discern and it lacked the flavour. Portion size - as you can see from cellphone and side-plate - 4 pieces each for two people. Served on the same wooden platter the pizza would have come to the table (I guess that is practical and saves on extra dishes to buy or wash - but does lack originality). The cheese made it more filling then it ought to have been. Due to the cheese present it was a bit greasy - to much for my liking and I rate this as a no frills bread.  Cost --$ 9 (although to be fair- good marks for doing something originally with the "bread")

Presentation 3 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 1 out of 5
Quality 2 out of 5
Overall score: 9 (out of poss 20)