Monday, 23 September 2013

Garlic Bread at a friends place

Cooking Teddybear
The Austrian Connection
c/o- Penruddock rise

So I am on strict instructions, to not critique this particular version of Garlic bread. However - as it is  - or should be was - of a fairly high standard,  this is too good an opportunity to pass up and it should be shared. - Sorry LH

The bread in question was a bought french baguette from a local super market and cut vertical into small segments and filled with a home made garlic butter and a decent sprinkling of fresh (from the owners garden) Parsley.  Oven baked and served hot.  Which just gets to prove that with some TLC, an ordinary piece of bread can be transformed into something delicious and tasty.

We rated this particular version as a 17.5 - with the drawback being the presentation - still on the silver foil wrapper and on the oven tray! It did not however detract from the consistency and flavour nor from the relaxing evening and stimulating conversation which was been had along with a bottle of New Zealand's finest wines.  This particular garlic bread was savoured and appreciated - and I am not just saying that because we ate at a friends place. It earned its points on its own merits!

I wasn't allowed to take a picture - so you just have to take my word for it.
No doubt we shall return for another meal at some stage and we will look forward to the taste sensations on offer.


Presentation 3.5 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 17.5 (out of poss 20)