Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Garlic Bread from LIttle Italy

Cooking Teddybear Little Italy
119 Farrington Ave
Facebook -- Little-Italy
03 359 2930


We had been there before and it was/is quite nice place to eat out.
This time however I was most disappointed.
I should really have sent this one back ^^
The top of the bread was burned
The inside garlic butter was only just melted but not even warm
I am positive they cut of the left side because it was just not "sell-able"
It came pre-cut (as you can see) but you needed a chain saw to cut through the bottom (crust) of the bread.

All in all - epic fail. As a former baker I would be extremely embarrassed to sell a bread like this.  I do believe this will be the first  ZERO rating

Presentation 0 out of 5
Quantity 0 out of 5
Taste: 0 out of 5
Quality 0 out of 5
Overall score: 0 (out of poss 20)