Monday, 13 June 2016

Garlic Bread from The Thirsty Pig in Picton

Cooking Teddybear

The Thirsty Pig Restaurant

27 High Street,
Picton 7220,
New Zealand

Ph:  03-573 6969

No known email or website

facebook - The-Thirsty-Pig

The bread itself was from a sourdough bread - or at least so it looked like and almost tasted like that. Certainly not the usual French baguette cut up.
With both sides buttered and melted there was so much flavor and it did taste just right!

The crust was - well crusty and the bread itself still warm and soft!
We rate this highly with the only detraction being, again,  the napkin underneath which did sport an oil - hmmm rather a butter stain.  I would rather that sits on just the porcelain plate . . . .

Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 4.5 out of 5
Overall score: 18.5 (out of poss 20)

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Garlic Bread from The Barn Restaurant in Picton

Cooking Teddybear 
The Barn Restaurant in Picton

48 High St,
Picton 7220

Ph: 03-573 7440

facebook Barn-Restaurant-Bar

After a short hic-up the Garlic Bread arrived just after mains was served - so we had it with mains rather than as Entree.

The bread was buttered on one side only and not overly hot even though it came straight from the kitchen.

Despite that, there was plenty of flavor to enjoy with just a tiny little bit of sprinkling of herbs noticeable!  Crusty on the outside and soft-is in the middle.

The plate added and the napkin under it detracted.  The portions were good enough for two people and certainly added to our main meal!

Would have rated reasonably high except for the fact that the waitress failed to note our order and we had to chase this once mains arrived.  So 2 points off for that I think.


Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 14 (out of poss 20)

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Garlic Bread from Costas Taverna

Cooking Teddybear

478 Cranford Street,
Shop 3
Christchurch, New Zealand

Phone: 03 3523232

 We had been there previously in 2013 and it was time to go for a return visit and enjoy the good Greek food.

The menu was pretty much the same and so was the "pita" garlic bread.

These comments from the last visit :
 "the garlic bread is sold as Garlic 'Pita' bread and such it was - cut as can be seen in the picture half way and then again through the middle and nicely filled with garlic butter and some herbs. The Pita bread was just your average pita bread.  Nothing fancy there. It was to hot to touch and the supplied knife and fork came in handy. There was ample to eat for two people. The presentation - given the rest of the "themed restaurant", fell short of the expectation, and was very plain and simple. Overall - this would be a slightly above average bread. "

We still had the same wicker basket and napkin underneath. If anything - the arrangement had improved slightly.  The bread was still to hot to handle to start with and the knife / fork came in handy again!
So no real change from our last visit.
Oh - the orders were taken by hand / paper - the electronic order-system from last visit was not to be found . . . . .

 The last visit there:  
 Costas Taverna Garlic Bread

Presentation 3 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 3 out of 5
Overall score: 14 (out of poss 20)