Saturday, 27 January 2018

Garlic Bread from The Trout Cafe in Wanaka

Cooking Teddybear

The Trout Cafe
151 Ardmore Street
Wanaka, 9305

Ph: (03) 443 2600


Garlic Loaf - $10
Tasty oven baked garlic loaf.

 I did ask how big the loaf was, and got a semi useful answer - but was still not much the wiser.  In the end it was always a given we would order one - if nothing else for this blog.
This loaf was six individual (flavor topped) small buns, obviously baked in a bread tin.
The garlic bread itself came pre-cut (along the "seams") and had the melted garlic butter inside aplenty.
All you had to do was to cut through the crusty bottom - a feat you could do easily - although if truth is told - one could easily just have wrenched the individual bits loose.  Better to do it with the supplied knife and do it in style.

Lots of flavor - plenty to eat - almost to much - warm enough to enjoy it.  It's only major distraction being served on a wooden platter (and its ONLY saving grace there being the nice wood-grain perhaps walnut?)

Presentation 3 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 17 (out of poss 20)

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Garlic Bread from Montheiths Bar in Alexandra

Cooking Teddybear

Montheiths Bar in Alexandra
26 Centennial Avenue, Alexandra 9320

Ph: 03-448-9189

This ought to have been interesting - always like going to franchises and and see how much 'license' they have with their menu.  Turns out quite a bit - in fact, often it depends on the local chef.  So this was indeed interesting!
The Garlic bread arrived in good time.  It was sold on the menu as :

Warm Ciabatta Loaf
Served with garlic butter

As you can see it was on a platter and nicely arranged.  So far so good.  Upon touching it several things became clear quite quickly.  The 'warm' bit was a gross understatement.  It was hot to the touch - which - of course - made the cutting a bit tricky if not difficult.  Now I do like Ciabatta bread as a general rule. It does have a light springy texture - which in this case worked to its advantage for as you held the loaf (2 seconds at a time) and tried to cut into it - even the serrated sharp knife 'squashed' the loaf until you got the bottom , then cut through the base and presto it sprang back into its desired shape.  I am a pastry chef by trade - so I do have more of a 'heat-tolerance"  on the skin of my hands then most people have - have to admit - 2 seconds was the  most I could hold it.  Probably should have used the supplied napkin to shield myself from the 'warm' loaf.  The disappointing part was that the bread itself on the inside was luke-warm at best and given that the supplied piped butter came almost straight from the fridge and needed to be cut rather then could be smeared . . . . .
Because the fleshy part of the bread was luke-warm at best and the butter almost stone cold not much melting was done - thus when you ate the bread you bit into bits of butter - not overly pleasant.  

The next surprise was that this was not a timber bread board that it came with - rather some form of stone and that in-itself was still warm.  Presume it is the same plate that would be used for ' cooking - on - the - stone - plates ' of various steaks etc.  I did notice several 'grooves' in it presumably from the steaks being cut. At least the heat would have killed any left-behind bugs!

For my taste the garlic butter could have done with more garlic flavor. 
There was enough for 2 people with the loaf being cut into 4 slices easily (once you got past the 'hot' part) and did not leave you with the 'I want more' feeling.

I am aware there is a growing trend and ongoing discussion about "De-constructed" meals / coffee's.  I am of the personal opinion that if I am parting with my hard earned cash and pay someone to cook for me - then it should be just that - cooked.  It is not that you get 'cheaper' prices for a half constructed meal/drink.  I guess my expectation differed from the honest written menu.  Remember - it was written as "Warm Ciabatta Loaf served with garlic butter" and it was literally just that - apart from the warm part . I will have either to revise my expectations or ask some more questions before ordering the next time we eat out again.

Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 1 out of 5
Quality 1 out of 5
Overall score: 10 (out of poss 20)

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Garlic Bread from La Porchetta in Riccarton

Cooking Teddybear

La Porchetta

20 Rotherham St
Christchurch 8041
New Zealand

Phone: 3487 990


I've been here before, and received the standard tin-foil wrapped supermarket version which always sinks the heart (and stomach) of a garlic bread enthusiast. This was a meal out with friends (Jon, Helen and Chris), and a good opportunity to review the situation.

What arrived was a definite improvement on the previous version. It arrived with reasonable promptness for 7pm on a Friday night in Christchurch, and looked quite reasonable at first glance.

I explained to my friends about the marking criteria, then we did a joint critique.

Presentation: I explained about the problem with a wooden chopping board and pointed out the crack in the wood. On the other hand there is no napkin underneath, which might look nice but is a problem if you have to cut the bread off a loaf. No extra garlic butter supplied.

Quantity: Six pieces at about 10mm thick, of ciabatta-style bread. It felt like a good starter-size. One of our party was not keen on garlic bread, so we ended up with two pieces each. The meal followed reasonably soon afterwards, so this did a good job of getting us started and we weren't left feeling hungry until the main course arrived.

Taste: Not enough garlic for me! Too much garlic for Helen. Jon and Chris both thought it was appropriate.

Quality: very enjoyable. The thinner bread was quite crunchy all the way through, the butter had soaked in nicely. More garlic would have made it more enjoyable for me, but I suspect none of the others would have eaten it. A good compromise.

Presentation 3 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 17 (out of poss 20)