Saturday, 28 December 2019

Garlic Bread from Joe's Garage in Cranford St

Cooking Teddybear
Joe's Garage
478 Cranford St

Tel 03 352 5637

 Firstly - apologies for the quality of the picture!!  My companion was to keen to get stuck into it and earting this sample before I could take a decent enough image.  I can tell you though that the presentation did not really suffer from this - it did come on napkin and wooden board and was just piled up like so. . . .

 The bread itself seemed to be warmed up first then cut and buttered.  The outside was just soft - no crispy crust at all.  This softness then went right throughout the bread.  While it had plenty of garlic flavour - the herbs were missing in action.
It being a franchise you could assume that the quality of the meals are standard across all restaurant.  In this case (having been to three others before) I can say for sure that there are different standards - at least for the garlic bread.  On the upside - lots of room for improvement . . . .

Presentation 0 out of 5
Quantity 2 out of 5
Taste: 3 out of 5
Quality 2 out of 5
Overall score: 7 (out of poss 20)

Sunday, 22 December 2019

Garlic Bread from Bullock Restaurant & Bar in Timaru

Cooking Teddybear

Bullock Restaurant & Bar
109 Sophia St, Timaru

FREEPHONE 0800 285 662
 It was advertized as :

Garlic Loaf

Our locally baked Homestyle loaf smothered in our delicious freshly made Garlic butter

Half: $8 . . . .  Full: $14

So being wise (for once) we asked how big the loaf would be and then decided a half one would do just nicely!!  Just as well as you casn see this was a rather large loaf indeed.
It came in good time and was hot throughout.
Initial recations were along the lines of 'not another DE-constructed loaf' however we soon found out that the additional garlic butter was there for a reason.  The loaf was cut down only so far (about halfway) so after we cut a slice off (4 in total) we were able to add the rest of the butter to the regions where the chef's butter failed to drain down to - making it a deliciously flavoured bread - especially as seeing it was still hot enough to actually melt the butter into the bread texture.   A half loaf is more then enough for two people - especially if you want to eat a proper meal afterwards!!!  Those lucky enough to get the cheese/bacon topping slice had an additional flavor to enjoy.

The wooden board and paper napkin detracted from the presentation.  Oh and I have to say - the "Bread-knife" was of superb quality!!  Best I have seen in a long time - and that is saying something!! *smiles*

To enjoy this - use above details and yes - one has to book or miss out on a table - or wait a long time!

Presentation 2 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 15 (out of poss 20)