Sunday, 5 February 2012

Garlic Bread from Ceasars Family Restaurant and Bar

Cooking Teddybear
Ceasars Family Restaurant
Northwood Supa Centa,
Main North Road,
03 323 5420

Yes it was time to go out again and sample some of the local products. This time we went to a family restaurant - in the same vein as NZ Cobb and Co used to be.  A typical family restaurant where the food is good and filling.  This loaf arrived in good time and did not seem to hot - a error which became obvious the moment we opened a slice up.  The extra garlic butter ion the side dish was a nice surprise.  I had visions of having to butter up the loaf myself - but as said before appearances can be deciving.  There was alread plenty of garlic butter inside this Garlic loaf.  The side-dish addition is for those who r e a l l y  like their garlic flavour.  The glass in the background gives you an idea of size - not overly big - in fact just enough for two people to have two or three slices each. The bread was still nice and warm and steaming, once opened, and the flavour was great.  Just perfect.
The only detraction was on presentation - the paper napkin under the loaf did spoil the look of the bread on the wooden platter.

Presentation 4.5 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 19.5 (out of poss 20)

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