Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Garlic Bread from Mothered Goose

Cooking Teddybear
119 Bridge St
(old BNZ Building)
Rangitikei  NZ

Phone 06 322 1330


Mothered Goose on Facebook

Mothered Goose CafĂ©, Deli, Vino is situated in the glorious old BNZ Bank building, site of the first armed robbery in New Zealand.  Bulls has a reputation for the quirky and as a stopover for  many travellers heading north.  It has many eateries (including a McDonalds and Subway) and some very interesting sign-posts.
We decided to stop at the local and recommended Cafe - where we found that they do serve a garlic bread - so naturally we ordered some.  It arrived in good time and was still warm-ish.  4 thick slices of bread cut diagonally and very liberally buttered with garlic butter and then toasted.  It was almost crunchy all the way.  The toppings itself also contained some chilli and some fresh herbs and a smitten of grated cheese. The cheese was bearly there just noticable upon pulling a slice away.  What the garlic bread from the  Gumboot Manor (garlic-bread-from-gumboot-manor)  lacked in flavour - this one had in abundance! I made the mistake of drinking some Coke later in the afternoon and "re-tasted" the flavour when accidentially burping!  My wife also recognised the timber board- we have one like that at home!!

Presentation 3.5 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 4.5 out of 5
Quality 3.5 out of 5

Overall score: 15.5 (out of poss 20)

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