Monday, 28 October 2013

Garlic Bread from The Speight's Ale House

Cooking Teddybear

The Speight's Ale House
Speight's Brewery
200 Rattray Street

Phone: +64-3-471-9050
Fax: +64-3-471-9030



They call it -->  Ale House Loaf    
Locally baked Speight’s bread.
Hot and delicious – garlic or plain. 
Half $7.0, Whole $12.0

Well I did wonder and was not overly surprised.
It reminds me of the loaf you get at Harringtons. Similar idea there too:


Indeed at least they had a genuine loaf - where as this had more of a tin loaf feel to it.
It came pre-cut - into 6 slices and the cuts almost run along the change of colour.  It ended up being about an inch thick.  The butter had been added from the top and little of it made it to the bottom of the bread, let alone right across the thickness of the bread itself. I have also got the sneaky suspicion that the basic loaf is used for other menu items - this proved to be correct.
Turns out that this is not the only use of bread, as the soup that came later had a slice from the same type of loaf (in the kitchen) and a dollop of salty butter on the top.  Greenery was missing in action.
Yet again the Garlic (Loaf)  was just warm enough to melt the butter but not warm enough to give of that appealing aroma.
Its redeeming feature was the presentation and the dramatic effect of a knife sticking in the bread. 
One slice and you pretty much had enough eaten for the night - which goes begging the question - do they want you to fill up before the dinner arrives - because it is so bad or . . . .  not enough on the plate - or they assume you are a strapping hulking male who needs double the carb's everyone else would normally need???? Suffice to say the 5 of us present managed to leave one slice behind in the end.

Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 1 out of 5
Taste: 2 out of 5
Quality 2 out of 5
Overall score: 9 (out of poss 20)

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