Saturday, 6 June 2015

Garlic Bread from McKenzies Bar and Grill -

Cooking Teddybear Mackenzies Cafe Bar & Grill
State Highway 8
Lake Tekapo
Canterbury 7945
03-680 6886

One of the fun things is going back to places you have been before and check out the garlic bread - then compare notes and see if there has been an improvement - or not - or worse.  We did visit this place before:  garlic-bread-from-mackenzies-bar-and.html

Comparing the pictures - not much has changed.  It is still the same 3 slice bread and they went from round plates to square plates (which oddly enough gave more of a 'more plate then food' impression).  Looks like it had more cheese this time round - and the garlic flavour was definitely missing - or overshadowed by the taste of the cheese perhaps?? It did have the sprinkling of herbs again and the same artistic arrangement.  I am pretty sure this is the first time that a garlic bread has been delivered to the table on a porcelain platter and with out a napkin underneath - a big plus. By the time it arrived it was semi lukewarm although cooked just-about right - slightly crunchy on the outside - yet soft on the middle.
Sadly - we did the same thing from last time - the you know ---- "With three slices and two people present we soon found ourselves outdoing ourselves by being polite -  quote "you eat it - honestly - I had enough"."

So top marks for presentation and quality . . . . .
pity - one more slice and less cheese and this could have rated very highly indeed

Presentation 5 out of 5
Quantity 2 out of 5
Taste: 2 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 13 (out of poss 20)

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