Saturday, 1 August 2015

Garlic Bread from the West Coast Bar and Grill

Cooking Teddybear
West Coast Bar and Grill
43 Main North Road,
Papanui 8053

Phone:03-354 1583

So this was last weeks post entry -   see below -   and we had reason to come back the following weekend to the same place!!  You would expect to be served the same - yes?!?   We did get the same bread - just with one major difference - the arrangement!!
Now the only difference from last week was that the place was busier - which goes begging the question - does the chef have time for artistic flair - ONLY if the place is quiet??? Certainly felt like that.  Shame really

Other then that - it was all exactly the same, so we rate it the same - perhaps a half point off for lack of consistency?

Have fun

From last week:  

 When visiting the Westcoast Bar and Grill you know the meals are not only tasty but also in a typical pub fashion, rather plentiful.  The Garlic bread was (as is the rest of the menu) rather colourful described and sold as:

Granity Garlic Bread    $9
This big loaf is perfect to share before your meal!

Having previously been to places that sold "loaves" we expected a rather large bread.  A big loaf it should proof to be. This image does not truly convey the size of it. The plate would have been slightly larger then your average dinner plate. 
The slices in itself were large and cut about just short of an inch thick.
There were three of us present and we struggled to eat it all.  It would have been easily enough for 5-6 people.  Bear in mind that the mains are just as large and you might wonder if you can eat it all.

The bread arrived in good time - sadly a bit just below lukewarm.  It must have sat on a counter for a couple of minutes, waiting to be delivered to our table.  The slice of bread itself was buttered on both sides and contained plenty of fresh garlic and herbs!  It was pleasing to see a porcelain plate, with the drawback being the paper napkin underneath - getting a bit soaked from the bread and the oily butter.  The presentation is simple enough and with the "loaf" being precut - all you had to do is grab a slice and eat - no getting fingers greasy with trying to break off or  cutting away a slice.

Despite the almost perfect presentation and good taste we rate this as average with room for improvement.

Presentation 3.5 out of 5
Quantity 1 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 2 out of 5

Overall score: 10.5 (out of poss 20)

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