Thursday, 17 March 2016

Garlic Bread from the Lost Spring in Whitianga

Cooking Teddybear

The Lost Spring,

121A Cook Drive,
Whitianga, 3510,
Coromandel Peninsula
New Zealand.

General Inquiries
Phone: +64 (0)7 866 0456 Ext: 1
Fax: +64 (0)7866 0457


Phone: +64 (0)7 866 0456 Ext: 2

You have to check out their website.  Short story;- the Dude butchered his Campsite in search for the mythical warm healing waters - which he eventually found at 600meters below.  As the story goes - the water is 16 000 years old.  hmmmmmm

Apart from the soak and spa - there is attached a Restaurante were you can book a "Dip and Dine" package - pre order your meal for a fixed time and price - go for that dip urm soak in the mineral rich warm water (and if so inclined get pool side drinks service)  - then relax for a meal!  Trust me - this was divine!

Anyhow to the Garlic Bread - it came in a timely manner - was warm/hot and crusty on the outside - yet soft fleshy on the inside.  Plenty of flavor too!!! Just 4 slices - actually the right amount for 2 people and nicely arranged on a porcelain plate.  The Black stripes added color - hmm forgot to ask what they actually were - their flavor blended in - I am tempted to say perhaps some soy-sauce???

Apart from the one slice which had "up" righted itself during transport - this is pretty near to perfect! In fact we had enjoyed the previous experience so much - this was our second visit there in the short space of time we had available. No doubt will repeat this next time we are in Whitianga!  Might even go for a Spa or something . . . .


(must be the best ever bread - hmmm have to look at this)

Presentation 4.7 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 19.7 (out of poss 20)

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