Sunday, 26 March 2017

Garlic Bread from Speights Bar in tower Junction - Christchurch

Cooking Teddybear Speights Ale House

Tower Junction Mega Centre,
55 Clarence St,
Christchurch 8011

Website: www.speights-ale-house

Tel:     (03) 348 6020

 I often zip past the Ale House - on my way and stopping at other shops, so it was a nice surprise to go there just for a meal.  The Garlic bread - or should that be loaf - turned out to be a major disappointment! It came WHOLE and luke warm and initially only with a table knife. Eventually a small steak knife came as well in order to CUT the bread.  This should proof to be a major challenge as the crust was extremely crusty thus scattering bread crumbs not only over the table but also all over our clothes and floor.  Given the small nature of the knifes supplied we ended up butchering the loaf - getting severely out of shape! Further given the luke-warm inners, the supplied Garlic Butter barely melted into the bread and was not enough to round - or butter all bread! 
Looking at the timber board the loaf set on I noticed the large crack in the timber - a safe harbor for goodness knows what bacteria.  All in all a very disappointing effort!

Presentation 0 out of 5
Quantity 2 out of 5
Taste: 1 out of 5
Quality 1 out of 5
Overall score: 4 (out of poss 20)

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Garlic Bread from the Lost Spring in Whitianga

Cooking Teddybear
The Lost Spring,

121A Cook Drive,
Whitianga, 3510,
Coromandel Peninsula
New Zealand.

General Inquiries
Phone: +64 (0)7 866 0456 Ext: 1
Fax: +64 (0)7866 0457


Phone: +64 (0)7 866 0456 Ext: 2

We had been there before (www.garlic-bread-from-lost-spring) so roughly knew what to expect.  There is a new chef and while that did mean a new menu- the Garlic Bread itself more or less stayed the same.  The bread is a bit longer then previous efforts and possibly one slice to many - then again it could be that we were not overly hungry to start with?!?!   The arrangement itself slightly differs - the sauce/decoration though is still the same! The exception being a distinct lack of Garlic flavor - almost completely missing!

Presentation 5 out of 5
Quantity 4.9 out of 5
Taste: 3 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 17.9 (out of poss 20)

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Garlic bread from Tomi's in Taupo

Cooking Teddybear

Tomis Place

Address: 18 Tuwharetoa St,
Taupo 3330

Phone: 07-376 5393

Facebook: TomisTaupo/
Website  www.tomis/

We knew that this being Italian themed and more of a pizza place we would get a pizzabread type garlic bread.  So no surprises there.
The Bread was pre-cut and arrived on the wooden platter - which showed the previous cuts being made on the board.
The Cheese topping drowned out any other flavour, and was a little bit oily.

We were ready to majorly downgrade this effort when the waiter arrived and surprise surprise asked the correct question = namely "HOW is garlic bread?"

Now you have to forgive me -
I am saddened and sick and tiered of waitress staff asking "closed" questions - such as "is everything alright"!  Answer "yes" and hoping they go away. 
THIS time however the question started with a "How",  an OPEN question!!  yusss!  Basic communication lesson 101!!!
This required a descriptive answer and we just almost jokingly sad that from garlic was little evidence.  Right there and then he offered a apology and a replacement, and having eaten almost half of it already we declined saying something along the line - its ok for now.  Surprise surprise, one short  minute later he came back from the kitchen along with a tiny wee side dish containing a FRESH cut garlic clove - so we could add this to the rest of the bread that was  left on our table- along with a friendly warning that this might be a little strong flavor!! 

THUS  the  waiter was asking not only a  "W"  question,  he  a l s o  listened and then took appropriate  action!  YUSSSS!!! Perfect!

For THIS ALONE we forgive the other shortcomings and rate it as nearly perfect!!!

Presentation  out of 5
Quantity  out of 5
Taste:  out of 5
Quality  out of 5
Overall score: 19.5 (out of poss 20)

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Garlic brad from Jo's place in Dargaville

Cooking Teddybear

Jo's Home Cookery

138 Victoria St,
Dargaville 0310

Phone: 09-439 5435

Website:  www.jos-home-cookery/

 The ordered Garlic bread arrived in good time. Sadly it was luke warm at best by the time it arrived. 
There must have been a misunderstanding in the order too as two plates arrived - either one plate short (one each for three people) or it was deemed that one plate is not enough for three.  Personally - one plate is not enough for two - barley for one!

While the butter had soaked in it stopped 1 millimeter into the dough. The bread was soft all round and (as commented by my partner) "chewy"! Possibly a reflection of not enough time in the Oven?

Presentation had everything going for it - again the napkin underneath detracting from the overall image.


Presentation 4.5 out of 5
Quantity 1 out of 5
Taste: 2 out of 5
Quality 2 out of 5
Overall score: 9.5 (out of poss 20)