Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Garlic bread from Tomi's in Taupo

Cooking Teddybear

Tomis Place

Address: 18 Tuwharetoa St,
Taupo 3330

Phone: 07-376 5393

Facebook: TomisTaupo/
Website  www.tomis/

We knew that this being Italian themed and more of a pizza place we would get a pizzabread type garlic bread.  So no surprises there.
The Bread was pre-cut and arrived on the wooden platter - which showed the previous cuts being made on the board.
The Cheese topping drowned out any other flavour, and was a little bit oily.

We were ready to majorly downgrade this effort when the waiter arrived and surprise surprise asked the correct question = namely "HOW is garlic bread?"

Now you have to forgive me -
I am saddened and sick and tiered of waitress staff asking "closed" questions - such as "is everything alright"!  Answer "yes" and hoping they go away. 
THIS time however the question started with a "How",  an OPEN question!!  yusss!  Basic communication lesson 101!!!
This required a descriptive answer and we just almost jokingly sad that from garlic was little evidence.  Right there and then he offered a apology and a replacement, and having eaten almost half of it already we declined saying something along the line - its ok for now.  Surprise surprise, one short  minute later he came back from the kitchen along with a tiny wee side dish containing a FRESH cut garlic clove - so we could add this to the rest of the bread that was  left on our table- along with a friendly warning that this might be a little strong flavor!! 

THUS  the  waiter was asking not only a  "W"  question,  he  a l s o  listened and then took appropriate  action!  YUSSSS!!! Perfect!

For THIS ALONE we forgive the other shortcomings and rate it as nearly perfect!!!

Presentation  out of 5
Quantity  out of 5
Taste:  out of 5
Quality  out of 5
Overall score: 19.5 (out of poss 20)

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