Thursday, 2 November 2017

Garlic Bread from Subway - Riccarton

Cooking Teddybear Subway
 Bush Inn Centre, 
334 Riccarton Road,  
Upper Riccarton
New Zealand

Well this was a surprise -  we went to Subway for a nice quick lunch snack and saw on the menu board - Garlic bread - so naturally we had to give that a whirl!!!
The actual bread is just a choice of their many rolls - 6 inch! It is topped with the Greek tzatziki-garlic-aoli  sauce and then topped with a slice of cheese and is 'baked' in the grill.  So the choice of bread is not surprising - they do after all bake fresh every day.  The sauce though - hmm yeah ok that makes sense too.
So to the taste: - the Garlic flavour was there - kind of - and almost hidden away by the cheese.  It is the same sauce you can choose for any of your subs - so not surprising that the flavour is toned down.
The 'liquid' has soaked nicely into the bread and it was crusty on the outside.  For a the rest of the meal came in a green plastic tray (going upmarket??) and the garlic bread came in its own paper box! Two slices were just enough for one. 
A generous 8 of 20 for this one!

Presentation .5 out of 5
Quantity 2 out of 5
Taste: 2.5 out of 5
Quality 3 out of 5
Overall score: 8 (out of poss 20)

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