Sunday, 1 April 2018

Garlic Bread from the Moeraki Tavern

Cooking Teddybear

Moeraki Tavern
144 Haven Street

(03) 439 – 4705


 We camped out at the nearby camping ground and decided that we will try and do the traditional NZ 'take out - fish and chips'  from the local tavern.  Seeing that garlic bread was also on the menu we ordered one of that as well.  Not having a great expectation and it is hard to judge - we did have a 10 minute walk back to the campground and it came in a nice lined cardboard box (to keep warm).  So we suspend some of the marks and do flavour / taste and maybe also quantity only.

It certainly had definitely plenty of flavor and the smattering of herbs added to that.  It is always nice to see the individual cut pieces of garlic, knowing that this is the real deal as opposed to a "oil"-spray being applied.   There was enough for the two of us. all in all given the circumstances it was a good feed and we will need to go back and sample it at the Tavern for comparison at a future date!!!!

Presentation  -- out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality  -- out of 5
Overall score:  9 (out of poss 20)

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