Sunday, 23 September 2018

Garlic Bread from the Roasted Bean Cafe in Hanmer

Cooking Teddybear

The Roasted Bean Cafe

47 Amuri Ave,
Hanmer Springs 7333

Ph.  03 315 7430


It is listed on the menu as "Fresh baked loaf of bread served with garlic butter"  and sits opposite of the "Grand Flat Bread - which is Garlic and pesto base with sundried tomatoes, cashew nuts, feta cheese, olives and a sweet chilli swirl. 

We gave the pizza based bread a miss and ordered the 'loaf'.  The news from the waitress was that it would arrive first and our pizza's (our mains) sometime after that.  So imagine our surprise when they arrived all at the same time.  The Garlic 'Loaf' itself was a ciabatta type bread - nicely cut into triangle and had lots of garlic butter flavor along with a tiny amount of green herbs.  You could easily see the garlic in the bread.  It was crusty on the outside and soft fleshy on the inside - and again - with plenty of flavor.  It arrived as you can see on a plate and had no serviette underneath - a big plus there.   Do not let the image fool you - the size of the slices was rather large and even though we  (2 of us) were hungry, we struggled to get through that lot - in fact we had a doggie bag.  It might have been different if our mains had arrived much later - but not wanting to let the pizza get cold we ended up using the aforementioned doggie bag. But for that it would have rated very highly.

Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 2 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 17 (out of poss 20)

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