Sunday, 23 February 2025

Garlic Bread from Thatcher & Small - Hokitika

Cooking Teddybear Thatcher & Small All Day Dining place

84 Revell Street,  Hokitika, NZ

Tel:  +6432809636



Oddly enough - I was thinking of a different Thatcher (one ex UK) - which would have been just dandy as we took a certain UK gal' round a short round trip in NZ!

Their website says : You’ll discover vintage charm and contemporary elegance – an homage to Thatcher and Small’s mesmerizing performances.  - Have to be honest - NEVER heard of either of them . . . .

Thus to the bread - advertised as Housemade Garlic butter, sweet chilli and grilled cheese at $17.-

Not sure what type of Bread this originally was - it would seem certain to be a square initial bun type that was cut diagonally (to the delight of my lady).

Slightly crusty on the outside and then the garlic, smattering of herbs and - yes that baked cheese on top - then artistically arranged on the platter and then - drowned -  with a chilli sauce! 

Now if you a fan of that - by all  means great stuff.  This writer prefers the garlic bread to be - urm - naked for a better word! Naturally given the sauce was just spread over the top - some of it ended up on the plate - whence no napkin underneath - which is a plus - as was the plate itself! We split the bread between 3 of us - so almost left wanting a slice . . . .


Presentation 5 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 2 out of 5
Quality 3 out of 5

Overall score: 14 (out of poss 20)

Have Fun

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