Sunday, 12 June 2011

Garlic Bread - from Harringtons

Cooking Teddybear 808 Main North Road
New Zealand

Re-visited on 12 June 2011

A group of us went out to celebrate a certain half century with instructions for no flowers and/or speeches. We went to what must be developing into our favorite watering hole.   This time I gave everyone a slip of paper and got them to "rate" the Garlic Bread - the  idea being that I get different perspectives and a consensus vote.  The Garlic bread itself has not changed since we first tasted it - it is still like a half loaf (imagine a soccer ball being cut vertically and you receive one of these half's)

The great Garlic Bread that looks like a football cut in half
The Garlic Bread Loaf arrives on a nice big white plate, and should have been steaming.  The two that landed on our table were slightly different.  Ours had still the un-melted raw butter inside whereas the other loaf while hot had to little garlic butter. There are still no herbs in any shape added. The garlic "flavor" was very faint indeed and could be described as 'missing in action', but then I prefer a more distinct flavor to some other people.  One comment that came back was saying it was to much to eat- and certainly should be shared between 3 or 4 people.

So without further ado - I have added up all the returned papers and averaged it out and post below - at first glance they seem to be on par or slightly more generous compared with previous ratings - indicating some consistency in the kitchen. Here is their rating

Presentation 4.3 out of 5
Quantity 3.5 out of 5
Taste: 3.8 out of 5
Quality 4.9 out of 5
Overall score: 16.5 (out of poss 20)

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