Saturday, 23 July 2011

Garlic Bread from Little Italy

Cooking TeddybearLittle Italy
119 Farrington Ave
Facebook -- Little-Italy
03 359 2930

We needed to go out for a meal after we shifted all our belongings so that Fletchers can come and do their bit inside our house and get it fixed after the earthquakes!  Anyhow we decided to give the local new eatery a whirl called 'Little Italy'.
Very nice - and they did do a garlic bread so naturally we had to sample that. In some ways it is similar to that from Harringtons  (garlic-bread-from-harringtons)
The loaf is a little smaller and just the right size for a couple that still wants to enjoy the rest of the meal without feeling full - before you even start the rest of the meal!   It comes as a whole loaf - freshly baked and very crusty! The serrated knife supplied will cut the loaf easily into whatever slice you may want too and then you have a choice of 3 condiments to add to your freshly cut loaf! (fresh soft garlic butter , tomato / capsicum pesto and a avocado pesto)  The bread was so hot that the soft butter had no trouble melting in and soaking the bread!  Yumm!!  Sadly no pictures.  If there there is any criticism the garlic butter had a teeny weeny lack of garlic flavor. 

Presentation 5 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 19 (out of poss 20)

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