Sunday, 6 November 2011

Garlic Bread from Bistro Forty Seven

Cooking Teddybear 
Bistro Forty seven
47 Queen St

Ph 09 235 2502

The garlic bread arrived in a timely fashion on a warm plate. The bread itself was nicely arranged, layered 2 tier high.  It had a nice garlic flavour with a cheese topping that was crusty – eg well baked.  Now I knew at ordering, that it would come with cheese, and I have to say I am not a fan of cheese toppings on garlic bread – mainly because: 
one: the cheese usually ends up leaving a oily residue (especially if Edam is used) and 
two: the texture and flavour of the cheese tends to hide the garlic on the bread.  However this garlic bread did not suffer from oily residue and there was sufficient garlic flavour left to enjoy. The greenery was purely for decoration and the smattering of herbs (usually parsley) was definitely missing in action.

Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 3 out of 5
Quality 3 out of 5

Overall score: 13 (out of poss 20)

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