Keplers Restaurant
1055 Town Center
Te Anau 9640
Phone: 03-249 7909
No known email or Website
We had been in Te Anau some time ago, actually a long time ago - before we started blogging about the quality of the Garlic breads. From memory we had a meal at Kepler's back then as well. Te Anau is the Gateway to Fjordland and Milford Sound along with the multitude of Tracks one can walk/tramp/hike or - in some cases - just stroll for a lazy afternoon. In any case it is a mecca for many youth-ish backpackers - many which do stay several weeks if not 6-12 months, and supplementing their 'holiday' budget by working in the NZ hospitality industry. This gives them the the opportunity to use their 'off-days' to explore further, so no surprise that we were served by a young bloke from Spain. Last time we ate out in Te Anau it was a lovely lass from Prague that served us. Now, whether or not, NZ should issue 12 month 'tourist' visa's is not for this blog to discuss. My personal view is that 12 months is too long and it should be a maximum of 3 months - but alas - as said before - we will not get into that - rather yes, let us look at the garlic bread we received
when eating out at Keplers. As you can see - it was originally a baguette - cut into semi-bite sized bits and liberally buttered. Surprisingly (because you do not see it very often these days) there was a good sprinkling of chopped herbs with it! The down side is partially the presentation, a wicker basket is fine - but not sure it needed a white paper napkin. The other down side is that the edges of the bread got close to being burnt - yet as you can see in some cases the butter still remained - well - as butter and had not yet melted into the bread. I suggest this was a bit of a rush job to get out on to our table - which was unnecessary as the eatery place was semi empty when we got seated and only filled up by the time we were ready to leave. Maybe the oven was just to hot for this particular job (assuming they used an oven indeed and not a blow-torch)

We rate this as pretty average given recent offerings
Presentation | 3 out of 5 |
Quantity | 3 out of 5 |
Taste: | 3 out of 5 |
Quality | 2 out of 5 |
Overall score: | 11 (out of poss 20) |
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