Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Garlic Bread from Etrusco's at the Savoy

Cooking Teddybear Etrusco's at the Savoy

8 Moray Place
(The Savoy Building)
Dunedin Central
Dunedin City  

Ph:  03-477 3737



You will see (if you click on the link above) that in October last year we had been there before.  Not that we had planned to be there this time, however due to some unforeseen circumstances we ended up in same place.  Excellent - this gives us time to compare last years efforts against this years.   Last year we gave it 9 out of 20 with a lot of improvement wanted.    This we partially got.  A slightly different bread - nice and hot - full of flavor and - yes color (herbs). The presentation is pretty much the same - nice clean warm porcelain plate and token knife.  However comparing images - there is a slice missing  compared to last year and two pieces of bread for two people was never going to be enough!
Given that the rest of the meals are larg-ish it is puzzling to understand the small nature of this plate's offering.  Still the bread was as said before nice and hot and the butter had melted and soaked right through - so that was nice.  A nice improvement in some respects

Presentation 2 out of 5
Quantity 1 out of 5
Taste: 3 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 10 (out of poss 20)

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