MacKenzies Bar and Grill
State Highway 8,
Lake Tekapo 7999
Phone: 03-680 6886
No known Website or email contact
As you can see from the above links we have been there before - twice and it is always nice to go back and compare notes - see if there has been an improvement - or not!
One thing that has always stood out was the use of solid porcelain plates as apposed to wooden platters! So imagine my surprise when a black plate turned up this time. I used a knife to poke it and yes it is NOT timber - rather some new ceramic like plate. Nice change. The bread itself or its make up has not changed in the last 4 or 5 years. It is still the same cheese topped baguette! Do not let the size of it fool you - the three pieces were rather a large cut (or should that be more thicker?) and more then enough for 2 people. The arrangement may have suffered during "transit". Sadly only the topside was "buttered up" and again lacked that distinct garlic flavor. And like the last time --> By the time it arrived it was semi lukewarm although cooked just-about right - slightly crunchy on the outside - yet soft on the middle. I suspect it sat for a minute or two under the heating lamp before it was delivered to our table.
We felt that the bread itself is pretty much the same as the previous visits, while the plate is a nice change from previous deliveries.
Presentation | 5 out of 5 |
Quantity | 3 out of 5 |
Taste: | 2 out of 5 |
Quality | 4 out of 5 |
Overall score: | 14 (out of poss 20) |