Sunday, 3 March 2013

Garlic Bread from Costas Taverna

Cooking Teddybear
478 Cranford Street,
Shop 3
Christchurch, New Zealand

Phone: 03 3523232

After all the shakes and destruction many places have relocated - Costas being one of them. It has a good reputation and this was evidenced by the full house when we arrived and it was clear why you needed a booking - especially when you consider that they run a second booking for 8pm meal.  Our place was ready and we were seated quick enough. The orders were filled (via electronic blue-tooth means) and the Garlic "bread" arrived in extra quick time. Given the speed with which the bread arrived one was hoping for mains to be as quick - alas it was not to be.  Not surprising given the full house. Anyhow, the garlic bread is sold as Garlic 'Pita' bread and such it was - cut as can be seen in the picture half way and then again through the middle and nicely filled with garlic butter and some herbs. The Pita bread was just your average pita bread.  Nothing fancy there. It was to hot to touch and the supplied knife and fork came in handy. There was ample to eat for two people. The presentation - given the rest of the "themed restaurant", fell short of the expectation, and was very plain and simple. Overall - this would be a slightly above average bread.

Presentation 3 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 3 out of 5
Overall score: 14 (out of poss 20)

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Garlic Bread from Bonzai Pizzeria in Greymouth

Cooking Teddybear 31 Mackay St
Greymouth 7805, New Zealand

 Phone  03 768 4170
 Fax    03 762 6869

We had traveled a lot and I had remembered that the Bonzai Pizzeria has good Pizzas. So we stopped there and ordered - well not Pizzas, but did order their home-baked garlic roll next with a proper main meal.
The Garlic roll is a piece of bread almost like a cheese twisty / bun and the size like a large muffin or Austrian semmel. It was just the right size for one person - enough to get a good feel for the bread and satisfying enough to not want more to eat then what was on offer.  The roll itself was cut 4 times across vertically down, and had nicely buttered garlic on both sides of each inside cut. You did not see any of the garlic-butter until you take a slice of main part of bread. There was plenty of flavour and smattering of herbs nicely hot melted, resulting in a soft and 'fleshy' bread on the inside – just crusty enough on outside. There may well have been a cheese topping on the top, can't remember and I did forget to take a picture.
We must have been eating at the wrong time - as the place can seat 80-100 and there were only 3 groups of paying customers.

 The only negative --  it came as a "bit on the side" and for all of that-  it was the last item to be delivered along the main meal.  It would be quit possibly the best Garlic 'roll' bread I had for a long time and will take some beating.

Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 19 (out of poss 20)

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Garlic Bread from Monteiths Brewery in Kaikoura

Cooking Teddybear
49-51 West End

Tel.  319 3333

I was mistaken.  I assumed that the Montheiths franchise would have the same menu from place to place.  Seems not so.  We were in Kaikoura recently and stopped for dinner and ordered Garlic bread - having enjoyed the version served in Montheith's Hanmer .  Well it turned out to be a bit of a disappointment  - in fact it was nothing like in Hanmer.  The bread while it arrived in a timely manner consisted of a a pizza bread dough - wafer thin. It had so much herbs on it - that it should be described and sold as Herb bread.  Three out of four diners could not discern any Garlic flavour. Now that was certainly a let down. There was plenty of butter on the bread and it had melted and seeing that the bread had no soft "bread-tissue' eg it was crusty all the way through, the butter had run straight of the bread and onto the plate, and  as well ended up on our fingers.   Our companion mentioned that you would feel cheated out of a pizza - no toppings etc. 
At NZ $9 I would have expected a lot more. The only redeeming feature would be the creative arrangement on the plate. 

Presentation 2 out of 5
Quantity 2 out of 5
Taste: 0 out of 5
Quality 0 out of 5
Overall score: 4  (out of poss 20)

Monday, 3 December 2012

Garlic Bread from the Galleon Complex

Cooking Teddybear500 Thames Hwy
(The Galleon Complex)

Tel. 03-437 0128


It was a bit weird - we walked in the place and there were plenty of tables ready set up for guests - except it appeared we were going to be the only customers eating out that night.  The Garlic bread arrived in good time. It consisted of one sesame bread roll cut lengthwise. The garlic butter needs more garlic to the point that it was almost missing in action. Like recently at The Last Post it did however have some fresh herbs with it, which is always a redeeming feature.  The slightly mangled look of the bread on the square platter looked almost comical and was a bit pretentious  - or as we Kiwis tend to say dressing up Mutton as Lamb!  I could not work out how the bread arrived at best lukewarm, given that we were the only paying customers on the premises. It was eaten far to quickly and was not enough to share between 2 people.
Turns out that we were indeed the only eating people and they closed up for the night as soon as finished our meal.  This certainly rates as a very weird eating experience.

Presentation 2 out of 5
Quantity 2 out of 5
Taste: 1 out of 5
Quality 1 out of 5
Overall score 6 (out of poss 20)

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Garlic Bread by The Last Post in Oamaru

Cooking Teddybear
The Last Post
12 Thames Street

Tel 03-434 8080


The Last Post had a slightly checkered past, but it is in a prime spot in town and came highly recommended by the locals. Natuarlly we had to go and eat there and further enjoy the Garlic bread. The bread itself arrived in a short while.  As you can see from the picture the presentation was great. The flavour – well it could have done with some more garlic. On the plus side it did have a good sprinkling of fresh herbs.  The bread itself was a french baguette and cut diagonally, which seems to be a favourite way of doing it by many eatery places.  However it tends to overcook or dry out the edges and as you do not butter the crust itself. Therefore a large chunk of the garlic bread (slices) is missing out on garlic butter!   It was crunchy baked but again the ends a bit dry.  Check out the picture and note the upturned "fishtails".
This Lay-bear has in a previous life worked in a kitchen and knows that while this way of doing a garlic bread has a visual appeal, there is also  certain amount of wastage, with the ends not being "appealing" for sale, and one hopes that the restaurants that are using this cutting technique are 'creatively' re-cycling the left overs!!
While this particular Garlic bread was good, we could not rate it above average.  The rest of the meal however had a superb quality!

Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 2 out of 5
Quality 2 out of 5
Overall score: 11 (out of poss 20)

Monday, 19 November 2012

Garlic Bread by Monteith's Brewery in Hanmer

Cooking Teddybear

Monteith's Brewery Bar
Amuri Avenue,
Hanmer Springs  NZ

Tel 03 315 5133

www.Monteith's Brewery in Hanmer

We decided to take a dip and then were really lazy and supported the local economy and chose to eat at the above eatery.  We remember the place when it used to be a Robbies in Hanmer. The decor / layout had not changed much - but the service and the quality of the food had indeed improved.  The ordered garlic bread arrived in double quick time and was simply delicious.
The Garlic butter had melted into the Ciabatta bread and had a real decent garlic flavour, complimented by the green fresh herbs that were with in the garlic butter. It arrived on a simple wooden platter which given the rest of the meal, which was more plate the substance, was quit a point of difference.  It was still warm - without being steaming hot and the bread itself was an typical Ciabatta bread. The use of Ciabatta bread was unusual - and it took a bite or two to get used to this - but once one slice was eaten the rest very quickly followed. You would think that 6 slices of freshly made garlic bread are enough for two people - but this would have to be the first time where my partner had to say "hands of the last slice - it is mine!"   All in all - a very good start to what turned out to be a great meal out.

Took a while - but I was sure that we had been to a Monteith's Pub before - and as it turns out we did -----> garlic-bread-from-monteiths-brewery-bar
not that long ago!! Interestingly enough - the garlic bread in Hanmer was way better . . . . .


Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5

Overall score: 18 (out of poss 20)

Monday, 29 October 2012

Garlic Bread by La Porchetta - Riccarton Mall and Cranford St

Tried at 2 sites on 2 occasions with similar results.

        La Porchetta is a chain of Italian restaurants, who's claim to fame seems to be that they bake their bases freshly. It's a shame they couldn't possibly say the same for their garlic bread!

      The comments around the table on both occasions were unfavorable. Not only from myself (a garlic addict) and my partner-in-garlic, but from all the others as well once they understood what we wanted.

      The roll is presented on a silver platter, still wrapped in tinfoil. This is approximately the same thing as you get from Pizza Hut. It keeps the bread moist, or more to the point it makes the bread soggy. There was no real crispness to the bread, except where the butter had sunk to the bottom so that the lowest part was "shallow fried" in butter, as it were.

      Quantity was unexceptional. One roll of bread for $5.50, which is again about the price from Pizza Hut. I've paid similar prices for two rolls of bread, of a much better quality.

Taste? What taste? This is herb bread, masquerading as garlic bread.

     Quality was dreadful. One comment was "Catering Pack" and I couldn't disagree with that. I could go to the supermarket and get the same quality, two rolls in a pack, for the same price. In one case, the bread was pale and flabby, and either the butter was soaking in too long or the bread was undercooked originally, but it was doughy in appearance.

      So why comment? Because this chain prides itself on it's pizza bases, and I didn't think a decent garlic bread would be so hard for a chain already specializing in freshly made dough and good quality toppings. End result: Must try harder!!!

Presentation 1 out of 5
Quantity 2 out of 5
Taste: 1 out of 5
Quality 0 out of 5

Overall score: 4 (out of poss 20)

Friday, 21 September 2012

Garlic Bread by Robbies on Normans Rd

Cooking Teddybear
Robbies Elmwood
1 Normans Road
Elmwood, Christchurch

Telephone: 03 355 5345

The garlic bread from Robbies is a loaf in a true sense of the word.  And here came our first surprise - as you can see from the picture it had a small side dish with Garlic butter; - yuss I thought - perfect to add more should you miss that real garlicky flavour - or opt out.  Then the second surprise hit - upon breaking away the first slice of bread we discovered that there is no butter inside the Loaf at all.  You have to butter the loaf yourself.  The bread loaf itself was lukewarm - so not much heat left in there to melt the garlic butter and let it ooze into the fleshy soft part of the bread.  It was also awkward to butter both sides of each slice and in the end there was only just enough to do justice to the loaf.  The garlic butter itself tasted more herbal then of garlic and at one point I did wonder if there was any garlic in there at all.  I certainly could not smell it or discern the flavor when tasting a small portion of pure butter.  Given there was more plate then substance this just didn't do it for me at all. It was a sign of things to come with the side dish of mushroom sauce ordered being a little larger then the a soup spoon (I kid you not) - in fact it is the same size as the garlic butter dish you see in the picture and to be frank was not worth the $3.50 it cost for the mushroom.  All in all it was a rather disappointing experience.

Presentation 2 out of 5
Quantity 2 out of 5
Taste: 0 out of 5
Quality 1 out of 5
Overall score: 5 (out of poss 20)

Monday, 3 September 2012

Garlic Bread from Phoenix Bar

Cooking TeddybearPhoenix Bar & Cafe

15 Main North Road  
Papanui Christchurch  
Canterbury 8053
Telephone (03) 3523257
 No known website

It seems it is a favorite hangout of certain young people so after going to watch the Expendables 2,  we as a family met at the Bar and had a dinner with the obligatory Garlic bread.  The place is a typical suburban Bar and Grill - nothing fancy or flash and this was reflected in the basic and somewhat limited menu choice.  The garlic bread arrived in good time and smelt good.  It was a typical short baguette cut into sections with both sides buttered and oven baked.  The skin was crispy and the inside soft.  The was a  sprinkling of green herbs and there was certainly a  good garlic flavor.  All in all a above average garlic bread.

Presentation 3 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 3 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 13 (out of poss 20)

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Garlic Bread from Mothered Goose

Cooking Teddybear
119 Bridge St
(old BNZ Building)
Rangitikei  NZ

Phone 06 322 1330


Mothered Goose on Facebook

Mothered Goose Café, Deli, Vino is situated in the glorious old BNZ Bank building, site of the first armed robbery in New Zealand.  Bulls has a reputation for the quirky and as a stopover for  many travellers heading north.  It has many eateries (including a McDonalds and Subway) and some very interesting sign-posts.
We decided to stop at the local and recommended Cafe - where we found that they do serve a garlic bread - so naturally we ordered some.  It arrived in good time and was still warm-ish.  4 thick slices of bread cut diagonally and very liberally buttered with garlic butter and then toasted.  It was almost crunchy all the way.  The toppings itself also contained some chilli and some fresh herbs and a smitten of grated cheese. The cheese was bearly there just noticable upon pulling a slice away.  What the garlic bread from the  Gumboot Manor (garlic-bread-from-gumboot-manor)  lacked in flavour - this one had in abundance! I made the mistake of drinking some Coke later in the afternoon and "re-tasted" the flavour when accidentially burping!  My wife also recognised the timber board- we have one like that at home!!

Presentation 3.5 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 4.5 out of 5
Quality 3.5 out of 5

Overall score: 15.5 (out of poss 20)

Monday, 25 June 2012

Garlic Bread from Cobb & Co New Plymouth

Cooking Teddybear198 Courtney Street,
New Plymouth
Telephone: 06 757 9675 in New Plymouth

 We arrived in New Plymouth somewhat exhausted.  We had traveled down to the town via the "Forgotten World Highway - in New Zealand" and while extremely scenic and enjoyable - it is also very challenging to drive on.  We were on the hunt for some places to eat and found a 'Teddybears' eatery and while tempted (Chinese food) we ended up going to the local Cobb & Co. instead.
The ordered Garlic Bread arrived in good time and was a foot long nicely pleated loaf - cut horizontally and buttered on both sides.  The bread was soft and the top part did break apart at the pleats.  The bottom half had to be cut with a serrated knife (supplied).  The bread had a good garlic flavor - just right and the odd green herb.
All in all - good fast service / flavor and presentation.  


Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 4.5 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5

Overall score: 16.5 (out of poss 20)

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Garlic Bread from Gumboot Manor

Cooking Teddybear
Gumboot Manor
15 Matora Rd
Taihape 4720

Phone: 06-388 1019

We had planned a trip to our Northern Island - only to having to re-arrange the iternary, due to reasons beyond our original intentions.   Cut a long bread short - we ended up staying in Taihape - Gumboot captial of New Zealand and I dear say of the world!
The ordered Garlic bread arrived in extra good time and was nicely stacked on the plate! It was solidly baked through and very crusty ( I do miss the soft fleshy part of the bread).  It has been buttered on both sides of the slices and as you can see from the photo was a cross cut baguette.  There was more then enough for two people and we polished of the Garlic bread with no trouble.  Sadly it lacked a certain garlic flavour - something a bit of a no no when wanting to eat Garlic bread!  Oddly enough, once the bread had cooled down to being - well cold - it increased the flavor.  It also lacked a touch of green herbs.

Presentation 3 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 1 out of 5
Quality 2 out of 5
Overall score: 9 (out of poss 20)

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Garlic Bread from Monteith's Brewery Bar

Cooking Teddybear Shop 4/ 5 Avonhead Mall
210 Withells Rd

Ph.  358-8184

Monteith's Brewery on Merrin st

It was time to go out again and we ended up in the wrong place - but not to be thwarted - we decided to give the place we found a whirl instead - especially when we realised that they do serve Garlic bread.
It was duly ordered and arrived in a timely manner - even though the place was fairly packed. The Friday night crowd sure knows how to enjoy a drink or a meal.
Anyhow - the place is more along the pub styles - so not much on glamor and more on substance. The bread itself was baked through and trough - very crusty.  No soft fleshy bread left - sadly.  The garlic itself was flavorsome and had just the right amount of herbs - to complement the garlic - and give it some color.  The presentation fitted in with the Pub theme - simple and effective. As we shared the bread there was only 2 slices for each - and I found I wanted at least one more. 

I would go back to Monteith's - indeed to any of their many pubs with-in New Zealand - mainly because they do a good choice of hearty wholesome meals, but may think twice about having another garlic bread.  At $5 it was reasonably priced for what you got.

Presentation 2 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 4.5 out of 5
Quality 3 out of 5

Overall score: 12.5 (out of poss 20)

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Garlic Bread from Yellow Shack Cafe

Cooking Teddybear
Yellow Shack Cafe
Main West Coast Rd

Phone: 03-318 4880

In search of sone decent food while taking a weekend trip over to the brilliant Westcoast of NZ, we ended up stopping in Springfield NZ (of The Simpson's fame - home of Homer and his doughnut, and seem to remember, the world premier of the movie - so aptly called 'The Simpsons')  Anyhow - we stopped at the Yellow Shack - well known for its pies and pizzas. The place seemed quiet when we arrived - the atmosphere was great though. The pizzas are cooked in a woodfired oven (I so gonna want one for myself) and are indeed  v e r y  delicious. As for the Garlic bread - well -  as you can see it is a basic pizza base and had garlic butter over the top. There coverage was missing in some places and so rich was the bread that upon picking up one slice you were covered in dripping butter-oil. The presentation left a bit to be desired as well and if there had been any herbs sprinkled on top, they would have floated away.  Its only redeeming feature being the fact that there is a distinctive garlic flavour to be savoured and can definitley be tasted.
Make no mistake - the service, the atmoshpere, the pizzas and the friendly smile by the owner are first class, and if they improve on the garlic bread itself this will be a fantastic place to eat out.  Alternatively skimp the garlic bread and feast on the other items from the menu!!

Presentation 1.5 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 3 out of 5
Quality .5 out of 5

Overall score: 8 (out of poss 20)

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Garlic Bread from Pattersons Restaurant

Cooking Teddybear Copthorne Hotel Commodore
449 Memorial Ave,
New Zealand

Phone: +64 3 358 8129

www.Pattersons Restaurant

Ah yes - a 27th wedding anniversary.  Last year we missed out on celebrating as we were still in panic mode when the mag 6.3 earthquake shook up our City and - well - laid waste to pretty much of the inner city.  This year we decided to treat ourselves and went a bit more upmarket.  One certainly saw plenty of plate and not so much of the food - however it all tasted very good.  you will spot the side plate and knife on the table, obviously we were meant to use this.  Suffice to say I am used to eat my garlic bread with fingers, so I am sure looked out of place.
The garlic bread came in good time, and was nicely presented.  Nice touch - on the side there was a small bowl of garlic yoghurt and a good sprinkling of herbs. Nice and crisp bread.  However the garlic butter had been spread only on the top and then it was oven roasted thus leaving a distinct lack of "butter flavor" in half of the bread.   In terms of quantity there was enough for two people, and it filled you up nicely without leaving you feeling full before your main meal arrives. 

Presentation 5 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5

Overall score: 17 (out of poss 20)

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Garlic Bread from Ceasars Family Restaurant and Bar

Cooking Teddybear
Ceasars Family Restaurant
Northwood Supa Centa,
Main North Road,
03 323 5420

Yes it was time to go out again and sample some of the local products. This time we went to a family restaurant - in the same vein as NZ Cobb and Co used to be.  A typical family restaurant where the food is good and filling.  This loaf arrived in good time and did not seem to hot - a error which became obvious the moment we opened a slice up.  The extra garlic butter ion the side dish was a nice surprise.  I had visions of having to butter up the loaf myself - but as said before appearances can be deciving.  There was alread plenty of garlic butter inside this Garlic loaf.  The side-dish addition is for those who r e a l l y  like their garlic flavour.  The glass in the background gives you an idea of size - not overly big - in fact just enough for two people to have two or three slices each. The bread was still nice and warm and steaming, once opened, and the flavour was great.  Just perfect.
The only detraction was on presentation - the paper napkin under the loaf did spoil the look of the bread on the wooden platter.

Presentation 4.5 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 5 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 19.5 (out of poss 20)

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Garlic Bread from Reflections Cafe

Cooking Teddybear
Reflections Cafe
State Highway 8
Lake Tekapo
New Zealand

(03) 680-6234

www -> Reflections restaurant

There are a number of eating places on the Lakefront at lake Tekapo - from your traditional quick and easy diary type place  (and some take-away places) to the more formal traditional sit down restaurants. We decided to start with Reflections restaurant that offered a good place to sit down and (if you are lucky enough to get the window seat) offers stunning views across the meadow and adjacent lake front - complete with the Church of the Good Shepherd.

The garlic bread arrived in short time and was presented in a foot long boat shaped plate. The bread itself was a very well baked and was more like a crusty baguette with good garlic flavor. Despite the crusty exterior on the main part of the bread the inside was still soft-ish and easily edible. All of the Garlic butter has melted through the bread and was fully absorbed - no oily residue on your fingers.

The absence of a hint of green herb (trad. parsley) was a detractor from what would have been a good presented and flavored garlic bread.

Very nearly the perfect bread.

Presentation 5 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 4 out of 5
Overall score: 18 (out of poss 20)

Monday, 7 November 2011

Garlic Bread from Poco Loco

Cooking Teddybear 
Poco Loco
15 Queen st 15 Queen Street,
09 238 1607

The garlic bread arrived on a wooden platter.  It was a mini-mini French baguette – 3 bites and it was gone.  It came half cut with a nice solid flavor and plenty of green herbs on top.  It was solidly baked and yes sadly to the point of being burnt on the edges. This could have been a winner if the presentation and quality are looked after better.

Presentation 2 out of 5
Quantity 4 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 2 out of 5

Overall score: 12 (out of poss 20)

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Garlic Bread from Bistro Forty Seven

Cooking Teddybear 
Bistro Forty seven
47 Queen St

Ph 09 235 2502

The garlic bread arrived in a timely fashion on a warm plate. The bread itself was nicely arranged, layered 2 tier high.  It had a nice garlic flavour with a cheese topping that was crusty – eg well baked.  Now I knew at ordering, that it would come with cheese, and I have to say I am not a fan of cheese toppings on garlic bread – mainly because: 
one: the cheese usually ends up leaving a oily residue (especially if Edam is used) and 
two: the texture and flavour of the cheese tends to hide the garlic on the bread.  However this garlic bread did not suffer from oily residue and there was sufficient garlic flavour left to enjoy. The greenery was purely for decoration and the smattering of herbs (usually parsley) was definitely missing in action.

Presentation 4 out of 5
Quantity 3 out of 5
Taste: 3 out of 5
Quality 3 out of 5

Overall score: 13 (out of poss 20)

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Garlic Bread from Little Italy

Cooking TeddybearLittle Italy
119 Farrington Ave
Facebook -- Little-Italy
03 359 2930

We needed to go out for a meal after we shifted all our belongings so that Fletchers can come and do their bit inside our house and get it fixed after the earthquakes!  Anyhow we decided to give the local new eatery a whirl called 'Little Italy'.
Very nice - and they did do a garlic bread so naturally we had to sample that. In some ways it is similar to that from Harringtons  (garlic-bread-from-harringtons)
The loaf is a little smaller and just the right size for a couple that still wants to enjoy the rest of the meal without feeling full - before you even start the rest of the meal!   It comes as a whole loaf - freshly baked and very crusty! The serrated knife supplied will cut the loaf easily into whatever slice you may want too and then you have a choice of 3 condiments to add to your freshly cut loaf! (fresh soft garlic butter , tomato / capsicum pesto and a avocado pesto)  The bread was so hot that the soft butter had no trouble melting in and soaking the bread!  Yumm!!  Sadly no pictures.  If there there is any criticism the garlic butter had a teeny weeny lack of garlic flavor. 

Presentation 5 out of 5
Quantity 5 out of 5
Taste: 4 out of 5
Quality 5 out of 5
Overall score: 19 (out of poss 20)